About Us

great respect

Our name is our bond. Meas Mór translates to 'great respect.' Which is our ethos and work ethic

Social care expertise

A dynamic social care company managed by highly trained staff committed to the development of our young people

Mutual respect is the key

We'll ensure all young people will feel comfortable in their home & are free to make choices in all aspects of their lives

Benefits of working together

At Meas Mór, service users will be mentored, supported, guided, cared for and educated to their full potential
Who We Are

Ireland's social care specialists

It is the aim of Meas Mór to provide a safe secure yet enjoyable service to young service users. It’s a service that provides all young people with a high level of care and support. This will be achieved with appropriate governance and management structures to ensure oversight.

100% Mutual Respect

Safe & Secure

Senior Managers

Happy Commmunity


Young people were discharged from care in 2023


Of those discharged remained with their foster family

Our Best Services


Watch the Meas Mór video to learn more

With great respect comes great responsibility


Social care ends when a young person turns 18


Young people were in receipt of aftercare services at the end of 2021


Youth discharged from care in 2020, over half whom were turning 18 years


Of those discharged at 18 remained with their foster family